About the project
The Phenomenology of Audial Experience
The interdisciplinary aspect of this project is grounded in the research group Art and Science in Education at REALTEK.
Based on a phenomenological inquiry, the project aims at providing knowledge about sound as experience and attentive listening and their relevance for teaching and learning.
The project has two main research questions:
- With reference to sound as a science topic and listening as a basic skill: which insights are promoted through interdisciplinary cooperation between the fields of physics, music, science education, and philosophy of science?
- With reference to learning and teaching: which practical-pedagogical consequences might come out of aesthetic project work between art, science and, philosophy?
The project consists of a research component, an artistic part (musical composition), and an educational component.
- Østergaard, E. (2021). Tuning in on the Becoming of Music. Open Philosophy, 4(1), 198-210. https://doi.org/10.1515/opphil-2020-0168
- Østergaard, E. (2020). Listening in Science Education: Fostering Students’ Lifeworld Experiences. In Burnard, P. & Colucci-Gray, L. (Eds.) Why Science and Art Creativities matter. (Re-) Configuring STEAM for future-making education, pp. 131-147. London: Brill | Sense.
- Østergaard, E. (2019a). Echoes and Shadows. A phenomenological reconsideration of Plato’s cave allegory. Phenomenology & Practice, 13(1), 20-33. https://journals.library.ualberta.ca/pandpr/index.php/pandpr/article/view/29372/21392
- Østergaard, E. (2019b). Music and Sustainability Education – a contradiction? Acta Didactica. https://journals.uio.no/index.php/adno/article/view/6452
- Østergaard, E. (2019c). The Attentive Ear. Forthcoming in Journal of Aesthetic Education.
- Østergaard, E. (2017). Earth at rest. Aesthetic experience and students’ grounding in science education. Science & Education, 557-581. https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2Fs11191-017-9906-2.pdf
- Østergaard, E. (2010). Moon Music. A Composition of Art and Science in Dialogue. Leonardo, 43(3), 223–228.
News and events
"Ørenslyd. Ritus V" kåret til Årets Verk 2021
- Torsdag 3. februar 2022 delte Norsk Komponistforening ut tre priser for Årets Verk 2021. Ett av verkene er "Ørenslyd. Ritus V". Verket ble fremført av Tone Braaten, Håkon Thelin, Per Kristian Amundrød og Ebba Rydh. Begivenheten fant sted i Marmorsalen på Sentralen, Oslo. Prisutdelingen vises på NRK2 "Hovedscenen", 13. mars, 2022.
- Se også oppslag på sidene til Norsk komponistforening.
"Ørenslyd" - concert and seminar in Berlin, 24.-26. October 2019
- Composition and Moderation: Edvin Østergaard
- First performance: Thursday, 24.10.2019, 21.00 o’clock
- Further concerts: Friday 25.10.2019 and Saturday 26.10.2019, both days 19.00 o’clock
- Place: Tieranatomisches Theater. Adresse: Philippstraße 13 / Campus Nord, Haus 3 / 10115 Berlin
- Programme “Ørenslyd”:
- Aus der ersten Duineser Elegie (for three voices)
- Into A. Overtone music for double bass
- A Steffens Fragment (for soprano and double bass)
- Ørenslyd. Ritus V (for soprano, mezzo-soprano, tenor, and double bass)
Performers: Tone E. Braaten (Soprano), Ebba Rydh (Mezzo-Soprano), Per Kristian Amundrød (Tenor) and Håkon Thelin (Double bass).
- The Phenomenology of Audial Experience – Conversations on phenomenology, audibility, sound, Helmholtz, vocal articulation and musical composition.
- Time: Friday, 25.10.2019, 16.15-17.45
- Participants: Tone E. Braaten, Ebba Rydh, Per Kristian Amundrød, Håkon Thelin, Olaf L. Müller and others. Moderator: Edvin Østergaard.
- Place: Tieranatomisches Theater. Adresse: Philippstraße 13 / Campus Nord, Haus 3 / 10115 Berlin.