BUS110 Accounting - Financial Reporting and Analysis

Credits (ECTS):10

Course responsible:Stig Aleksander Aune

Campus / Online:Taught campus Ås

Teaching language:Norsk

Course frequency:Annually

Nominal workload:250 hours.

Teaching and exam period:This course starts in Spring parallel. This course has teaching/evaluation in the Spring parallel.

About this course

Businesses must prepare annual accounts, which give everyone who wants insight into how the business has developed. This course provides knowledge about how the annual accounts are created and how they can be used. The accounts must be set up in a specific way. The legislation in this area is extensive, and it regulates the entire production process: From the bookkeeping of the transactions that the company carries out to the kind of information that is to be provided in the publicly available annual report. The first part of the course is devoted to techniques and methods used for a company to register all transactions it makes during a year. At the end of the financial year the company must show the the assets and liabilities it has and the profits. The second part of the course is devoted to this process, and this part deals with what the accounts should contain of information and the rules to be used when assets and liabilities are to be valued and the result measured. Accounts are publicly available, and the most important information about each company is just a keystroke away since the key figures are freely available on the internet. The third part of the course deals with how the accounts can be used for analysis, valuation and credit assessment.

Learning outcome

To provide students with a basic understanding of financial accounting and financial statement analysis.
  • Learning activities
    Lectures. Supervised exercises. To some extent case based teaching.
  • Prerequisites
    BUS101 The Firm - Elements of Business, or similar topic that provides basic knowledge in business economics topics.
  • Recommended prerequisites
    Basic business understanding.
  • Assessment method
    3,5 hours written exam on campus (counts 100 % of the grade).

    Written exam Grading: Letter grades Permitted aids: B2 Calculator handed out, other aids as specified
  • Examiner scheme
    External examiner will control the quality of syllabus, questions for the final examination, and principles for the assessment of the examination answers.
  • Mandatory activity
    Minimum six mandatory assignments, whereof at least four must by approved to sit the exam. Previously approved mandatory assignments do not constitute grounds for exemption.
  • Teaching hours
    4 hours of lectures and 2 hours of exercises per week.
  • Reduction of credits
    5 ECTS overlap with BUS113-B.
  • Admission requirements
    Minimum requirements for entrance to higher education in Norway (generell studiekompetanse)