BUS216 Financial Accounting – Special Accounting Topics

Credits (ECTS):5

Course responsible:Asbjørn Olav Pedersen

Campus / Online:Online

Teaching language:Norsk

Course frequency:Annually

Nominal workload:125 hours

Teaching and exam period:This course starts in June block. This course has teaching/evaluation in June block.

About this course

The purpose of the course is to give the student an in-depth understanding of how to present financial group accounts, how to prepare and close annual financial accounts according to international accounting standards and trends in Norwegian accounting development.

Learning outcome

Upon passing the course, the student will have the following learning outcomes:


• knowledge of accounting rules for the preparation of group accounts when business acquisitions have been conducted

• know IFRS and simplified IFRS and be able to apply selected IFRS accounting standards exemplified by regulation for operating assets

• know the conceptual framework of IFRS


• being able to explain the need for consolidated accounts - det er mulig at group accounts er greit- group accounts and the principles of internal group transactions, as well as being able to prepare a single consolidated account/group account for business acquisitions during the first year of operation (including tax and minorities)

• being able to assess the value of fixed assets according to Norwegian and international regulations

General competence

The student:

• get insight into new trends in financial accounting

• get insight into environmental, societal and financial consequences of services and solutions with the subject matter and being able to evaluate these in socially useful, ethical and sustainable context

• being able to work independently and in cooperation with other members og projects groups

• be able to discuss professional problems in relation to practical cases

• be able to communicate relevant professional knowledge to various target groups both verbally in writing

• being able to contribute to the development of good accounting practice by taking part in professional discussions and share his/her’s knowledge and experiences with others

  • Learning activities
    Digital lectures (Zoom).
  • Teaching support
  • Prerequisites
    BUS110 Accounting - Financial Reporting.
  • Recommended prerequisites
    Financial Accounting and Bookkeeping
  • Assessment method
    Written home exam, 3.5 hours (counts 100 % of the total grade).

    Written exam at home

    Grading: Passed / Not Passed

  • Examiner scheme
    External examiners ensure quality curriculum, exams and principles for evaluation and answers.
  • Teaching hours
    26 hours
  • Reduction of credits
    5 ECTS overlap with BUS216F.
  • Admission requirements
    Minimum requirements for entrance to higher education in Norway (generell studiekompetanse).