Harvard NMBU - Examples

Here you find examples according to the NMBU-Harvard style (both in-text citation and reference list), and how to register references in EndNote.

  • Article in journal

    Displayed in Word:

    In-text Citation: (Azioune et al., 2004)

    Reference List:
    Azioune, A., Ben Slimane, A., Hamou, L. A., Pleuvy, A., Chehimi, M. M., Perruchot, C. & Armes, S. P. (2004). Synthesis and characterization of active ester-functionalized polypyrrole-silica nanoparticles: application to the covalent attachment of proteins. Langmuir, 20 (8): 3350-3356. doi: 10.1021/la030407s.

    Adding reference to EndNote:

    Reference Type: Journal Article

    Azioune, A.
    Ben Slimane, A.
    Hamou, L. A.
    Pleuvy, A.
    Chehimi, M. M.
    Perruchot, C.
    Armes, S. P.

    Year: 2004

    Title: Synthesis and characterization of active ester-functionalized polypyrrole-silica nanoparticles: application to the covalent attachment of proteins

    Journal: Langmuir

    Volume: 20

    Issues: 8

    Pages: 3350-3356

    DOI: 10.1021/la030407s

    Electronic journals are recorded as printed journals (reference type Journal Article) with DOI.

  • Article in newspaper - electronic

    Displayed in Word:

    In-text Citation: (Cohine, 2017)

    Reference List:
    Cohine, O. (2017, October 16.). In Norway, the Journey Is the Destination. New York Times. Available at: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/16/travel/norwegian-scenic-routes-norway.html (accessed: 04.07.2018).

    Adding reference to EndNote:

    Reference Type: Newspaper Article

    Reporter: Cohine, O.

    Year: 2017

    Title: In Norway, the Journey Is the Destination

    Newspaper: New York Times

    Issue Date: October 16.

    URL: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/16/travel/norwegian-scenic-routes-norway.html

    Access Date: 04.07.2018

    If you use the online edition remember to put in URL and Access Date.

  • Book - electronic

    Displayed in Word:

    In-text Citation: (Konijnendijk, C. C., 2018)

    Reference List:
    Konijnendijk, C. C. (2018). The forest and the city: the cultural landscape of urban woodland. 2nd ed. Cham: Springer. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-75076-7 (accessed 13.12.2022).

    Adding reference to EndNote:

    Reference Type: Electronic Book

    Author: Konijnendijk, C. C.

    Year: 2018

    Title: The forest and the city: the cultural landscape of urban woodland

    Place Published: Cham

    Publisher: Springer

    Edition: 2nd

    Date Accessed: 13.12.2022

    URL: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-75076-7

    Edition-field: Do not register: ed./eds., only the edition number i.e 3rd, 4th etc.

  • Book - print

    Displayed in Word:

    In-text Citation: (Broom, 2014)

    Reference List:
    Broom, D. M. (2014). Sentience and animal welfare. Wallingford: Cabi.

    Adding reference to EndNote:

    Reference Type: Book

    Author: Broom, D.M.

    Year: 2014

    Title: Sentience and animal welfare

    Place Published: Wallingford

    Publisher: Cabi


    Edition-field: Use Edition-field from 2nd edition and after. Only register the edition number, i.e 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc.

  • Book Section in edited book - print

    Displayed in Word:

    In-text Citation: (Sander, 1992)

    Reference List:
    Sanders, D. W. (1992). Soil conservation: Strategies and policies. In Tato, K. & Hurni, H. (ed.) Soil conservation for survival, pp. 17-28. Ankey, Iowa: Soil and Water Conservation Society.

    Adding reference to EndNote:

    Reference Type: Book Section

    Author: Sanders, D. W.

    Year: 1992

    Title: Soil conservation: Strategies and policies

    Tato, K.
    Hurni, H.

    Book Title: Soil conservation for survival

    Place Published: Ankey, Iowa

    Publisher: Soil and Water Conservation Society

    Pages: 17-28

  • Conference proceedings - published - print

    In EndNote: Use the reference type Book or Edited Book for published proceedings. The reference type Conference Proceedings is only used for unpublished proceedings.

    Displayed in Word:

    In-text Citation: (Hanxi, 1990)

    Reference List:
    Hanxi, Y. (red.). (1990). Proceedings of the International Symposium on Grassland Vegetation, Hohhot, The People's Republic of China, August 15-20, 1987. Beijing: Science Press.

    Adding reference to EndNote:

    Reference Type: Edited Book

    Editor: Hanxi, Yang

    Year: 1990

    Title: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Grassland Vegetation, Hohhot, The People's Republic of China, August 15-20, 1987

    Place Published: Beijing

    Publisher: Science Press

    Register the  name, place and date of the conference as title.  This is an example of a published conference with an editor, so using the reference type Edited Book is correct in this case.

  • Conference proceedings - unpublished - print

    Use the reference type Conference Proceedings for unpublished proceedings

    Displayed in Word:

    In-text Citation: (Hanxi, 1987)

    Reference List:
    Hanxi, Y. (1987, August 15-20). Proceedings of the International Symposium on Grassland Vegetation, Hohhot, The People's Republic of China.

    Adding reference to EndNote:

    Reference Type: Conference Proceedings

    Author: Hanxi, Yang

    Year of Conference: 1987

    Title: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Grassland Vegetation

    Conference Name:

    Conference Location: Hohhot, The People's Republic of China

    Date: August 15-20

    If the conference doesn't have its own title, register the conference name in the Title field. Otherwise, register the name in the  Conference Name field.

  • Contribution to conference - published - print

    In EndNote: Use reference type Book Section for published contributions. Only use reference type Conference Paper if the contribution is unpublished.

    Displayed in Word:

    In-text Citation: (Crush, 1990)

    Reference List:
    Crush, J. R. (1990). Nitrogen fixation in grassland development. In: Hanxi, Y. (ed.) Proceedings of the International Symposium on Grassland Vegetation, Hohhot, The People's Republic of China, August 15-20, 1987, p. 475-479. Beijing: Science Press.

    Adding reference to EndNote:

    Reference Type: Book Section

    Author: Crush, J. R.

    Year: 1990

    Title: Nitrogen fixation in grassland development

    Editor: Hanxi, Yang

    Book Title: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Grassland Vegetation, Hohhot, The People's Republic of China, August 15-20, 1987

    Place Published: Beijing

    Publisher: Science Press

    Pages: 475-479

    If the contribution has its own title, start with this title in the Book Title field. Registrate the conference title, place and date afterwards.

  • Contribution to conference - unpublished - print

    The reference type Conference Paper is only used for unpublished contributions

    Displayed in Word:

    In-text Citation: (Crush, 1987)

    Reference List:
    Crush, J. R. (1987, August 15-20). Nitrogen fixation in grassland development. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Grassland Vegetation, Hohhot, The People's Republic of China.

    Adding reference to EndNote:

    Reference Type: Conference Paper

    Author: Crush, J. R.

    Year: 1987

    Title: Nitrogen fixation in grassland development

    Conference Name: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Grassland Vegetation

    Conference Location: Hohhot, The People's Republic of China

    Date: August 15-20

  • Computer Program

    Displayed in Word:

    In-text Citation: (Sonic Foundry Inc., 2016)

    Reference List:
    Sonic Foundry Inc. (2016). Mediasite desktop recorder (Version 2.3.144). Computer Program. Available at: http://www.sonicfoundry.com/mediasite/capture/mymediasite/ (accessed 09.02.2018).

    Registrering i EndNote:

    Reference Type: Computer Program

    Programmer: Sonic Foundry Inc.,

    Year: 2016

    Title: Mediasite desktop recorder

    Version: 2.3.144

    Type: Computer Program

    URL: http://www.sonicfoundry.com/mediasite/capture/mymediasite/

    Access Date: 09.02.2018

    It is common to provide an own list for computer programs in addition to the reference list. Register to reference list only if the program contains information you used in your work.

  • Encyclopedia article (with identified author) - electronic

    Displayed in Word:

    In-text Citation: (Stains & Lariviere, 2018)

    Reference List:
    Stains, H. J. & Lariviere, S. (2018). Bear. In Encyclopædia Britannica. Available at: https://www.britannica.com/animal/bear (accessed: 04.07.2018).

    Adding reference to EndNote:

    Reference Type: Electronic Book Section

    Stains, H. J.
    Lariviere, S.

    Year: 2018

    Title: Bear

    Book Title: Encyclopædia Britannica

    URL: https://www.britannica.com/animal/bear

    Access Date: 04.07.2018

    Use the reference type Electronic Book Section for online edition, and Book Section for print edition.

  • Encyclopedia article (without identified author) - electronic

    Displayed in Word:

    In-text Citation: (Britannica academic, s.a.)

    Reference List:
    Britannica academic. (s.a.). Polar bear. In Britannica academic. Available at: https://academic.eb.com/levels/collegiate/article/polar-bear/60587 (accessed: 04.07.2018).

    Adding reference to EndNote:

    Reference Type: Electronic Book Section

    Author: Britannica academic,

    Year: s.a.

    Title: Polar Bear

    Book Title: Britannica academic

    URL: https://academic.eb.com/levels/collegiate/article/polar-bear/60587

    Access Date: 04.07.2018

    Use the reference type Electronic Book Section for online edition, and Book Section for print edition. Use s.a if year is unknown.

  • Legal rule or regulation - electronic

    Displayed in Word:

    In-text Citation: (Straffeloven, 1902)

    Reference List:
    Straffeloven. (1902). Almindelig borgerlig Straffelov av 22. mai 1902 nr. 10. Available at: https://lovdata.no/dokument/NLO/lov/1902-05-22-10 (accessed 08.01.2018).

    Adding reference to EndNote:

    Reference Type: Web Page

    Author: Straffeloven,

    Year: 1902

    Title: Almindelig borgerlig Straffelov av 22. mai 1902 nr. 10

    Access Date: 08.01.2018

    URL: https://lovdata.no/dokument/NLO/lov/1902-05-22-10

  • Map - electronic

    Displayed in Word:

    In-text Citation: (Fylkesatlas Sogn og Fjordane, 2010)

    Reference List:
    Fylkesatlas Sogn og Fjordane. (2010). Leikanger: Fylkesmannen i Sogn og Fjordane & Sogn og Fjordane fylkeskommune. Available at: https://www.fylkesatlas.no/  (accessed 14.01.2018).

    Adding reference to EndNote:

    Reference Type: Web Page


    Year: 2010

    Title: Fylkesatlas Sogn og Fjordane

    Place Published: Leikanger

    Publisher: Fylkesmannen i Sogn og Fjordane & Sogn og Fjordane fylkeskommune

    Access Date: 14.01.2018

    URL: https://www.fylkesatlas.no/

    If there is no author (empty Author-field), the in-text citation and reference will begin with the title.

  • Map - print

    Displayed in Word:

    In-text citation: (Kystkart Svalbard, 1988)

    Reference List:
    Kystkart Svalbard. (1988). Sørkapp: Temakart nr. 10. Oslo: Norsk polarinstitutt.

    Adding reference to EndNote:

    Reference Type: Map

    Cartographer: Kystkart Svalbard,

    Year: 1988

    Title: Sørkapp: Temakart nr. 10

    Place Published: Oslo

    Publisher: Norsk polarinstitutt

    Map with several thematic maps.

  • Master thesis - electronic

    Displayed in Word:

    In-text Citation: (Engh, 2016)

    Reference List:
    Engh, A. M. M. (2016). Monitoring of Building Attached Photovoltaics in Norway. Master thesis. Ås: Norwegian University of Life Sciences. Available at: http://hdl.handle.net/11250/2449847 (accessed: 03.07.2018)

    Adding reference to EndNote:

    Reference Type: Web Page

    Author: Engh, A. M. M.

    Year: 2016

    Title: Monitoring of Building Attached Photovolaics in Norway

    Place Published: Ås

    Publisher: Norwegian University of Life Sciences

    Access Date: 03.07.2018

    Type of Medium: Master thesis

    URL: http://hdl.handle.net/11250/2449847

    Use the reference type Web Page for online edition, and Thesis for print edition. Write Master thesis in Thesis Type for print edition.

  • NOU (Official Norwegian reports) - electronic

    Displayed in Word:

    In-text Citation: (NOU 2016: 14)

    Reference List:
    NOU 2016: 14. Mer å hente: bedre læring for elever med stort læringspotensial. Available at: https://www.regjeringen.no/no/dokumenter/nou-2016-14/id2511246/ (accessed 26.01.2018).

    Adding reference to EndNote:

    Reference Type: Web Page

    Author: NOU 2016: 14,


    Title: Mer å hente: bedre læring for elever med stort læringspotensial

    Access Date: 26.01.2018

    URL: https://www.regjeringen.no/no/dokumenter/nou-2016-14/id2511246/

    Use reference type Web Page for electronic document, and Government Document for print version. For official publications it is common to provide the series name as author, and abbreviation can be used for well-known series. Remember comma after series name in the Author-field.

  • Personal communication - e-mail

    Opinions vary regarding whether this type of communication should be added to the reference list at all, or only be provided as in-text citation. Here you find example for e-mail.

    Displayed in Word:

    In-text Citation: (Nordmann, 2018)

    Reference List:
    Nordmann, O. (2018). Girls and farming (e-mail to Kari Olsen 10.01.2018).

    Adding reference to EndNote:

    Reference Type: Personal Communication

    Author: Nordmann, Ola

    Year: 2018

    Title: Girls and farming

    Date: 10.01.2018

    Type: e-mail to Kari Olsen

    Register title of the e-mail in the title-field.

  • Personal communication - interview

    Opinions vary regarding whether this type of communication should be added to the reference list at all, or only be provided as in-text citation. Here you find example for interview.

    Displayed in Word:

    In-text Citation: (Nordmann, 2018)

    Reference List:
    Nordmann, K. (2018). Interview with professor Kari Nordmann from NMBU. Ås (29.01.2018).

    Adding reference to EndNote:

    Reference Type: Personal Communication

    Author: Nordmann, K.

    Year: 2018

    Title: Interview with professor Kari Nordmann from NMBU

    Place Published: Ås

    Date: 29.01.2018

    Register the name of the person you interviewed in the Author-field. Interviews by phone: Write Interview by phone and skip place.

  • Personal communication - lecture

    Opinions vary regarding whether this type of communication should be added to the reference list at all, or only be provided as in-text citation. Here you find example for lecture.

    Displayed in Word:

    In-text Citation: (Olsen, 2006)

    Reference List:
    Olsen, K. (2006). The history of farming. Ås: Norwegian University of Life Sciences (lecture 12.03.2006).

    Adding reference to EndNote:

    Reference Type: Personal Communication

    Author: Olsen, Kari

    Year: 2006

    Title: The history of farming

    Place Published: Ås

    Publisher: Norwegian University of Life Sciences

    Date: 12.03.2006

    Type: lecture

    Register name of the lecturer in the Author-field, and name of the institution in the Publisher-field.

  • PhD Thesis - electronic

    Displayed in Word:

    In-text Citation: (Tveten, 2015)

    Reference List:
    Tveten, Å. G. (2015). Renewable energy in Northern European power markeds: effects, challenges and integration options. PhD thesis. Ås: Norwegian University of Life Sciences. Available at: http://statisk.umb.no/ina/forskning/drgrader/2015-Tveten.pdf (accessed 10.11.2017).

    Adding reference to EndNote:

    Reference Type: Web Page

    Author: Tveten, Å. G.

    Year: 2015

    Title: Renewable energy in Northern European power markeds: effects, challenges and integration options

    Place Published: Ås

    Publisher: Norwegian University of Life Sciences

    Access Date: 10.11.2017

    Type of Medium: Ph.D. thesis

    URL: http://statisk.umb.no/ina/forskning/drgrader/2015-Tveten.pdf

    Use the reference type Web Page for online edition, and Thesis for print edition. Write PhD thesis in Thesis Type for print edition.

  • Pictures, figures and tables

    Images, figures and tables are usually not part of the reference list. Instead, the required information is set directly below each illustration. It is important to respect copyright, so make sure to obtain permission where needed. Both electronic or printed illustrations may be protected by copyright.
    More information about Norwegian copyright (in Norwegian): https://lovdata.no/dokument/NL/lov/2018-06-15-40


    In-text Citation:
    (see figure 1)

    Text below picture:
    Figure 1.  Rothman, K. J. (2012). The relation of systematic error and random error to study size. In: Rothman, K. J. Epidemiology. An introduction, p. 125. 2nd ed. New York: Oxford University Press.

    If you want to use a Creative-commons licensed image, you don’t need to obtain permission for noncommercial reuse, but the license has to be named in the reference below the image. More information about creative commons: https://creativecommons.org

    In-text Citation:
    (see figure 2)

    Text below picture:
    Figure 2. Escargot, T. (2011). Books on the floor. Available at: https://www.flickr.com/photos/theophileescargot/5950985345/in/photostream/. Creative Commons license https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.0/legalcode (accessed 24.11.2017).


    In-text Citation:
    (see table 1)

    Text below table:
    Table 1. Statistics Norway. (2018). Moose hunting. Available at: https://www.ssb.no/en/jord-skog-jakt-og-fiskeri/statistikker/elgjakt (accessed 15.08.2018).

  • Report - electronic

    Displayed in Word:

    In-text citation: (Ndaruhutse & Thompson, 2016)

    Reference List:
    Ndaruhutse, S. & Thompson, S. (2016). Literature review: higher education and development. Norad report 7/2016. Available at: https://www.norad.no/contentassets/802c806add304d8a862cff9590a2cf7f/literature-review-higher-education-and-development-full-version.pdf (accessed: 03.07.2018).

    Adding reference to EndNote:

    Reference Type: Web Page

    Ndaruhutse, S
    Thompson, S.

    Year: 2016

    Title: Literature review: higher education and development

    Series Title: Norad report 7/2016

    Access Date: 03.07.2018

    URL: https://www.norad.no/contentassets/802c806add304d8a862cff9590a2cf7f/literature-review-higher-education-and-development-full-version.pdf

    Use reference type Web Page for electronic report, and Report for print version. Register series title and number in the Series Title-field.

  • Standard - electronic

    Displayed in Word:

    In-text Citation: (European Standards, 1978)

    Reference list:
    European Standards. (1978). ISO 4501 Hardmetals - Determination of titanium - Photometric peroxide method. Available at: https://www.en-standard.eu/iso-4501-hardmetals-determination-of-titanium-photometric-peroxide-method/ (accessed 04.07.2018).

    Adding reference to EndNote:

    Reference Type: Web Page

    Author: European Standards,

    Year: 1978

    Title: ISO 4501 Hardmetals - Determination of titanium - Photometric peroxide method

    Access Date: 04.07.2018

    URL: https://www.en-standard.eu/iso-4501-hardmetals-determination-of-titanium-photometric-peroxide-method/

    For print version use reference type Book, and fill in the fields Place Published and Publisher.

  • Statistics - electronic

    Displayed in Word:

    In-text Citation: (Statistics Norway, 2017)

    Reference list:
    Statistics Norway. (2017). Emissions from Norwegian economic activity, 14. december 2017. Available at: https://www.ssb.no/en/natur-og-miljo/statistikker/nrmiljo (accessed 04.07.2018).

    Adding reference to EndNote:

    Reference Type: Web Page

    Author: Statistics Norway,

    Year: 2017

    Title: Emissions from Norwegian economic activity, 14. december 2017

    Access Date: 04.07.2018

    URL: https://www.ssb.no/en/natur-og-miljo/statistikker/nrmiljo

    For print version use reference type Book, and fill in the fields Place Published and Publisher.

  • Web Page (with identified author)

    Displayed in Word:

    In-text Citation: (Auestad, 2018)

    Reference List:
    Auestad, G. E. (2018). Kelp breeding – Norway`s next salmon adventure? Available at: https://www.nmbu.no/en/news/node/34858 (accessed: 04.07.2018)

    Adding reference to EndNote:

    Reference Type: Web Page

    Author: Auestad, G. E.

    Year: 2018

    Title: Kelp breeding - Norway`s next salmon adventure?

    Access Date: 04.07.2018

    URL: https://www.nmbu.no/en/news/node/34858

    Place and publisher are not required for online documents, the URL is sufficient.

  • Web Page (without identified author)

    Displayed in Word:

    In-text Citation: (WWF, s.a.)

    Reference List:
    WWF. (s.a.). Snow leopard. Available at: https://www.worldwildlife.org/species/snow-leopard (accessed: 04.07.2018).

    Adding reference to EndNote:

    Reference Type: Web Page

    Author: WWF,

    Year: s.a.

    Title: Snow leopard

    Access Date: 04.07.2018

    URL: https://www.worldwildlife.org/species/snow-leopard

    Registrate institution/organisation in the Author-field if author is unknown. Use s.a. if year is unknown.

  • White Paper after 2009 - electronic

    Displayed in Word:

    In-text Citation: (Meld. St. 41 (2016-2017))

    Reference List:
    Meld. St. 41 (2016-2017). Klimastrategi for 2030 – norsk omstilling i europeisk samarbeid. Oslo: Klima- og miljødepartementet. Available at: https://www.regjeringen.no/no/dokumenter/meld.-st.-41-20162017/id2557401/ (accessed 12.01.2018).

    Adding reference to EndNote:

    Reference Type: Web Page

    Author: Meld. St. 41 (2016-2017),


    Title: Klimastrategi for 2030 – norsk omstilling i europeisk samarbeid

    Place Published: Oslo

    Publisher: Klima- og miljødepartementet

    Access Date: 12.01.2018

    URL: https://www.regjeringen.no/no/dokumenter/meld.-st.-41-20162017/id2557401/

    Use reference type Web Page for electronic White Paper, and Government Document for print version. For official publications it is common to provide the series name as author, and abbreviation can be used for well-known series. Remember comma after series name in the Author-field. Name change for White papers after 2009.

  • White Paper before 2009 - print

    Displayed in Word:

    In-text Citation: (St.meld. nr. 27 (2000-2001))

    Reference List:
    St.meld. nr. 27 (2000-2001). Gjør din plikt - krev din rett: kvalitetsreform av høyere utdanning. Oslo: Kirke-, utdannings- og forskningsdepartementet.

    Adding reference to EndNote:

    Reference Type: Government Document

    Author: St.meld. nr. 27 (2000-2001),


    Title: Gjør din plikt - krev din rett: kvalitetsreform av høyere utdanning

    Place Published: Oslo

    Publisher: Kirke-, utdannings- og forskningsdepartementet

    Use reference type Web Page for electronic White Paper, and Government Document for print version. For official publications it is common to provide the series name as author, and abbreviation can be used for well-known series. Remember comma after series name in the Author-field.

  • Unpublished material

    Displayed in Word:

    In-text Citation: (Snedeker et al., 2001)

    Reference List:
    Snedeker, J., Brent, M. & Gleitman, L. (2001). The changing character of the mental lexicon: an information-based account of early word learning. Unpulished work.

    Adding reference to EndNote:

    Reference Type: Unpublished Work

    Snedeker, J.
    Brent, M.
    Gleitman, L.

    Year: 2001

    Title of Work: The changing character of the mental lexicon: an information-based account of early word learning

    Use of reference type Unpublished work automatically generates the information Unpublished work at the end of the reference.

  • Submitted material

    Displayed in Word:

    In-text Citation: (Thothathiri & Snederk, submitted)

    Reference Type:
    Thothathiri, M. & Snederk, J. (submitted). Give and take: syntactic priming during spoken language comprehension.

    Adding reference to EndNote:

    Reference Type: Book

    Thothathiri, M.
    Snederk, J.

    Year: submitted

    Title: Give and take: syntactic priming during spoken language comprehension

    Write submitted into the Year-field. Use of the reference type Book generates title in italics in Word.

  • Material in press

    Displayed in Word:

    In-text Citation: (Snedeker & Yuan, in press)

    Reference List:
    Snedeker, J. & Yuan, S. (in press). Effects of prosodic and lexical constraints on parsing in young children (and adults). Journal of Memory and Language.

    Adding reference to EndNote:

    Reference Type: Journal Article

    Snedeker, J.
    Yuan, S.

    Year: in press

    Title: Effects of prosodic and lexical constraints on parsing in young children (and adults)

    Journal: Journal of Memory and Language

    Write in press into the Year-field.