Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE)  Business & Economics Summer University

ELTEFoto: Christo

ELTE offers 8 one-week courses for undergraduate and graduate students of business and economics.

The courses involve 25 hours of instructions, and students successfully completing them will get transcript which enables them to obtain credits from their home institutions.

This year’s ELTE Business & Economics Summer University (BESU) offers 10 courses taught by ELTE’s own staff, international scholars and business professionals. Students successfully completing the courses will get a transcript they may use to obtain 3 ECTS credit from their home institutions.

Courses offered:

Courses offered: Building Skills in Business Communication

Corporate Financial Analysis – An Integrated Approach

Creative and Critical Thinking in a Business Context

Innovation and Start-ups in Business Networks

Innovation Management M&A Advisory in Practice Negotiation Performance Management

State-Owned Enterprises and Economic Development: Concepts, Challenges, Tendencies

Tourism: Current Challenges and Future Trends

Application deadline: 30 June

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